Friday, April 24, 2009
Who's Being Intolerant Now?
What hurts and frustrates me is that this man, who claims that the rest of America should be "tolerant" of his lifestyle, is not tolerant of the lifestyle of a Christian woman. He, who "feels" like he loves other men, cannot let be a woman who is following the teachings of the man she believes is the Son of God.
Why is it that the group that most often calls for tolerance of their beliefs is the least tolerant of others? Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders are always crying out the injustice of the world, in that no one is accepting of them. And yet they cannot accept that a person believes differently than they do. They cannot let it go that someones lifestyle is not the same as theirs. Why?
One last thing I would like to point out is this. Miss California knew that she would likely lose the Miss America crown if she answered that question truthfully. She knows now that, if she had lied and said that she loved the idea of one man marrying another, she would probably be Miss America. She still answered the question, saying "I believe that a marriage should be between one man and one woman". I applaud her in her sticking to her beliefs. Not many women would these days.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Obama's photo shoot

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
His Dream Woman?
Seen on Britain's Got Talent
I have to admit, when I first saw this video I thought that Susan Boyle would be terrible. I thought that she was one of those people they show just to prove how horrible some contestants really are. Her apperance and her demeanor led me to doubt whether or not she was actually serious. No one appearing as she does could possibly have any hope of winning a contest such as this, I thought. Then she started singing.
I suppose this is a good time to reiterate that age old saying, you can't judge a book by it's cover. Susan Boyle is not at all what she seems. Her voice is simply amazing to listen to. Assuming her appearence is all there is to her is a major mistake that could have cost the world the pleasure of hearing her sing. Fortunately, someone saw fit to take her seriously, actually listen to her audition, and put her on stage. Fortunately, Miss Boyle (who has never been kissed, let alone had a serious boyfriend) saw fit to grace the jeering crowd with her song. Fortunately, the idiots in the crowd had the good sense to know true wonder when they heard it, and they actually shut up. I expect that not too long from now, we will be hearing of a new single being released from Britain, from a previously unknown Susan Boyle.
I think that this is also a good time to point out Simon's facial expressions. At 2:23, 2:42, and especially at 4:23, he appears to be simply enraptured. Is it possible that Simon has found his dream woman? Could it be true love? Will he leave Paula's side for this British unkown? Who knows? With Simon, anything is possible!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
My Easter Tradition
There is something beautiful in the rippeling chocolate. Something symbolic in the melting of the bunny. Do you not agree with me? Happy Easter everyone.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Taking absurd too far
Yeah, you read that right. No, she didn't sue him for abusing her. She didn't sue him for taking advantage of her, or treating her inappropriately. She sued him for grounding her from a school field trip.
Her crime? Accessing chat sites online that had previously been banned in the household. Uploading "inappropriate" pictures of herself using a friends computer.
Her punishment? Not being allowed to attend a school trip that her mother (who, at the time, lived separate from her husband and child) said she could go on.
Her response? Not screaming. Not crying. Not even sneaking out. She took her father to court. Suzanne Tessier, the judge presiding over the case, sided with the 12 year old. The court lifted her grounding. Of course, the father and his attorney are already working on an appeal, but what good is that going to do?
Obviously, other children are going to hear about this case. They are going to say, "Hey. If she could do it, why can't I? I don't want to be restricted from TV because I wouldn't eat my green beans, so I'm going to sue my mother". Parents are going to be constantly on the look out for signs that their preteens have contacted an attorney.
This girl's relationship with her father will never be the same. She's twelve years old! What is she going to do when she needs a father's guidance? "Hey Dad, I'm really sorry about suing you three years ago. But I've got this guy that I really like, and I was wondering if you could tell me if he likes me for me, or for my body"? Or maybe, "Look, I know I sued you and all, but will you walk me down the aisle next weekend? It's sort of my wedding..."? What about him? Will he ever be able to trust his sweet little girl again? Can he ever be around her without expecting her to stab him in the back?
What's next people? Will two year olds actually get an end to nap time? Will four year olds sue for emotional damage? Will eight year olds begin demanding equal rights in their households? Where will it end?
A Tale of Two Bows
Hmm...What do you think? The first bow is that expected of the President of the United States. A bit nondescript, and probably too small for political correctness sakes, but still good. The second, however, is that of a servant bowing to his master. Where is this man going to lead us? Who else will he bow down to? He is representing the American people. His little stunt proclaimed to the world that we bow down to another country. Whatever would George Washington have said about that? What would he have thought about the country he fought to free bowing down to Saudi Arabia?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
It's Shiny!
Have you ever noticed that having something new makes one feel very special? I have all of the same music I've had since forever on my new iPod, but for some reason, it feels special. I want to listen to the same tired, worn, and over heard songs that I had before, simply because they are being played on a shiny, dark purple, oh so slender, brand new iPod. I love that it feels so tiny in my hands. I love that the screen is not yet scratched. I just wish it could stay that way...